The ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) group number function is used to distribute incoming calls among multiple agents logged into the group number. The system provides different schemes to distribute the calls specified in this section. ACD groups are used to create call centre services or help desk services.
To create a new ACD group:
In the Function Numbers menu, select ACD groups.
In the main window, click Create new ACD group.
1. Number settings
The following fields are available:
Number : This field is filled in with the phone number that is dialled and used to reach the configured ACD group. Click List available numbers to select the number from the list.
Show queue status: Use this link to launch a popup window where the current queue status is shown and where agents can be logged in and out of the queue. Only available for superusers and supervisors.
2. General settings
The following fields are available:
What is the name of this group - This field is filled in with the name used to identify this group. It is used to identify the group in the web interface and desktop application.
Allow setting queue priority for this group - When selected, the field Set queue priority for this group is enabled and the group can be configured with a priority value
Set queue priority for this group - Use this setting to prioritize an ACD queue in relation to other queues. A lower value here gives the queue a higher priority. Several queues can have the same priority level. In most scenarios this setting has no effect , but there are some situations where the priority decides the order of distribution. Say two calls are in queue for two different ACD groups, ACD 1 with priority 1 and ACD 2 with priority 5. Say one person who is agent in both those queues becomes available. The call waiting for ACD 1 will then be distributed first.
Exclude this number from contact searches - If selected, the number is excluded from contact searches in the desktop application or the mobile app.
Add billing ID - Specify the billing ID to be used for outgoing calls. If no billing ID is specified, the default billing ID is used. Click List available billing ID:s to select the number from the list.
Add source tag - A string that all calls to this number are tagged with. This source tag can be used for creating specific call routing rules for calls diverted by this function number.
Meta-data for this group (optional) - This field can be filled in with a custom text message. This message is shown to the agent receiving the incoming call.
Override this with diverted call meta-data - If selected, the meta-data specified is overridden with the meta-data from the diverted call.
Allow using this group as outbound user line - If selected, the users that belong to this distribution group can use the group number (or, if configured, alias number) as the outbound line.
Use internal number as outbound identity - Used in combination with Allow using this group as outbound user line. If marked, the users can use the real number of the group when making an outbound call (if the user-defined outbound answer place is set).
Number that will be displayed as line number during the user call using outbound user defined routing - Used in combination with Allow using this group as outbound user line. Allows picking the function number that is associated with the current group. This alias number is displayed on the destination party, when the user that belongs to the distribution group, makes a call using the distribution group as active caller id, the outbound number will be alias function number. When Use internal number as outbound identity is selected, this field is disabled.
Display name to use when sending SMS from this number (empty=don't allow sending) - This name will be at the end of the SMS message if an agent sends SMS messages from this number. You need to specify a name to be able to send from this group. The from-number will be the from name specified in Organization > SMS Provider. Your superuser may have to set this name.
Some terminals may have issues with receiving special characters in the sender's name.
Sender number to use when sending SMS from this number - This number can be set and locked by a superuser. This number will be in the SMS message next to the display name if an agent sends SMS messages from this number. Note that not all numbers are possible to reply to with an SMS message.
What code identifies this function number when using feature codes - This field is filled in with a number that is used to identify the ACD group when a user logs in or out using a feature code.
Manageable by group administrator with profile - If selected, group administrators with given group administrator profile can read, update, and delete this function number. A group administrator cannot see this drop-down list. Groups are limited to the group admin profile's groups.
Which user groups can log in - Select user groups. Users in these groups can log in and take calls for this group. If the user group is a federated group from a linked org, then the organization name will be presented after the group name, i.e. <federated_group_name> federated from organization <org domain>
Which barring groups apply for this ACD-group - These check-boxes are used to select which barring groups apply for this number. The call routing rules defined for the selected barring groups will be executed for this number.
Inbound call barring rules are applied to calls to the ACD number. Outbound call barring rules are not applied when the call is forwarded to an agent.
Which groups can supervise - These check-boxes are used to select which of the ACD supervisor groups can supervise the users belonging to the ACD group. The user in the supervise group can log in and log out agents, and see the current statistics in the group and agent widgets, available from the self-provisioning web interface.
For how long time span should statistics be shown (in minutes) - Enter the number of minutes for the time span the ACD queue widget and the ACD agent widget should show the statistics for.
The ACD widgets require that only the user session the widgets were started from is active in the web browser to be able to show the information.
Retain locale on call forward - If marked, the caller's locale is retained when the call is forwarded to the fallback number. Example: If a call is routed to ACD through RBN and call is forwarded to a fallback number then RBN language is retained in the call.
Enable advanced business analytics monitoring - if marked, Agent activity will be logged in to CDR and you can see Agent activity (logged in/out times) reports from reporting portal.
3. Agent Settings
The following fields are available:
Resting time - This field is configured with the minimum time that the system should wait until the next call is distributed to the agent after a call has been hung up.
After how many missed calls should an agent be logged out - This field is filled in with a number that indicates how many calls an agent is allowed to miss before being automatically logged out.
ACD help number - This field is configured with a number that requests help from an ACD agent for questions related to the ACD group. This number will be used by the help button in the ACD agent view of the desktop application. When this button is pressed, during an active call coming into the agent, the current call will be put on hold and a second call will be placed to the number configured in this field. This allows the agent to request assistance by pressing one button.
4. Distribution of Calls
If an agent is logged in then the call stays in the queue. If no agents are logged in the call is forwarded to a fallback number. If an agent is not available according to the activity (presence state) the calls will stay in the queue. The administrator can select specific settings to cause the calls to be forwarded to a fallback number.
In the distribution of calls section, the following options are available:
How many agents should be called in parallel - Enter how many agents that should be called in parallel. Entering 1 will call one agent at a time and 2 will call two agents each time before distributing to the next set of agents.
Which phones can an agent use to receive calls - These check-boxes are used to select which personal phone types an agent has that calls will be distributed to.
ACD calls are distributed directly to the devices selected here. The personal call routing rules for the agent are not applied.
After how many seconds of ringing should the call go to next agent? - In the text box, add the specific number of seconds a call should ring at an agent before it goes to another agent.
If a value is also specified for Forward call when the caller has been waiting longer than (under Handling of queued calls), the lower of these two values will take precedence.
Should agent's presence state affect the distribution of calls - This check-box should always be selected if calls should be forwarded to a fallback number if the presence state has changed. The fallback number is the number set in the If no agents are logged in and in the Available state, where should calls be forwarded text box.
When agents have equals skills, use longest idle distribution?(otherwise, distribute randomly) - Select this check-box to select the distribution method.
5. Distribution settings
You can choose to either distribute calls by an ordered prioritized list or distribute calls by the skill level of the agent.
Distribute calls by priority
Calls are distributed in an ordered prioritized list. It will always try to call the agent in the top of the list if that agent is logged in to the group.
Add agents to the ordered list by searching for them in the search field. You can change the priority of the list by pressing on the up and down arrow. Calls will be distributed from top to bottom.
If an agent logged in to the answer group is not part of the ordered list, they will be considered of lower priority than the listed ones.
Distribute calls by skill level
User skill level - This list displays a list of users that can be added with a specific skill associated with them, where 1 indicates the highest skill level and 5 the lowest skill level. The system will route incoming calls to logged-in agents with the best skill level. If multiple agents are logged in with the same skill, the incoming calls will be distributed according to the distribution selected mechanism (longest idle or random). If all the agents with the best skills are busy then calls will be distributed to available agents with lower skills. All users that are not configured in the skill list will have skill level 3.
The distribution prioritization for the agents is thus the following for the first call in the queue that will be distributed:
Least amount of distribution attempt on an agent for the current call that is being distributed. If no available agent (agents currently in resting time are not available) has fewer distribution attempts than all other agents the call will be distributed according to skill level. A distribution to an agent that does not answer the call counts as a distribution attempt.
Skill level of the agent. Skill level 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest. The call will be distributed to the agent (that is not in resting time) with the highest skill level. If there are multiple agents with the same high skill level available, the configured distribution mechanism (longest idle or random) is used to set which agent to distribute the call to.
Distribution mechanism set. This is either distribution based on the longest idle time or random distribution. If the longest idle distribution is selected, the call will be distributed to the agent with the highest skill who has least recently been in a call (counting both calls from the queue and private calls). If the random distribution is selected, the call will be distributed to any available agent with the highest skill level.
To add skills to a user:
In the search box, search for the user then in the result list where a skill should be added, click on the user. A pop-up will be displayed with a drop-down list where the user can select a skill level. The users with an associated skill are listed below the search field.
To remove a user from the list:
In the main window, on the right side of the name, click
User skills cannot be added when the group is created. To add user skills the group must first be created and then be edited by selecting from the list of configured groups.
6. Overflow when Call Arrives
The following fields are available:
Max number of calls allowed in queue - Limits the allowed call queue. Only a superuser can configure this field. As this field limits the value set in How many calls can be queued at the same time, a superuser, by restricting the value in this field, prevents too many calls from being queued in a queue for an ACD group.
A value of zero in this field means unlimited calls can be queued for a queue. Use the + and - buttons to extend or decrease the queue length with 5 calls at a time. If the max number of calls allowed is surpassed, the call is handled according to the fallback rules specified.How many calls can be queued at the same time - Enter how many calls that are allowed to be waiting in the queue for the dialled number. The Max number of calls allowed in queue field. If you set 0 , no calls will be allowed in the queue and the call will be handled according to what is configured to happen if the queue is full.
Overflow when longest waiting time exceeds (in minutes(:seconds)) - Enter time as minutes: seconds, or only as minutes.
What happens when a call is received, and queue is full or maximum wait time is exceeded - This drop-down list is used to specify what should happen to calls coming into the queue when the maximum number of waiting calls or maximum queue wait time has been reached. The possible values are:
Send busy tone - The calling party will hear a busy tone.
Forward to another number - The call will be forwarded to another number configured for the queue.
If forward is selected, to what number should call be forwarded - This is where the number to forward to is configured when the queue is full, if the forward to another number option is selected as the action.
7. Handling of Queued Calls
The following fields are available:
Forward call when the caller has been waiting longer than (minutes(:seconds)) - Enter the number of minutes (optionally seconds) of waiting time for the first person waiting in the queue until the person is forwarded to another number. If this field is empty, the first person in the queue will never get forwarded to another number regardless of waiting time.
This setting does not affect a caller entering an empty queue.
If a value is also specified for After how many seconds of ringing should call go to next agent" (under Distribution of calls), the lower of these two values will take precedence
The timer value in this field is triggered as soon as a caller starts listening to a voice prompt (welcome message). If you choose to record your own welcome message and activate it under "Add new prompt" (under Function numbers > Schedules), you must ensure that the timer value in this field is longer than the length of the welcome message. If the timer expires before the voice prompt completes playing, the call in the queue may be dropped.
Forward number when call has been waiting too long - Enter a number to forward the calls to.
No agents available forward number (where calls are forwarded if no agents are logged in and are in the Available state) - This field is filled with a phone number to forward calls to in case there is no agent logged into the ACD group and a call arrives. If the Should agent's presence state affect the distribution of calls check-box is marked, calls will also be forwarded if no agent is in the Available state. That is if an agent is logged in but in the Unavailable state, the call will be forwarded, but not if the agent is in the Available state and occupied with a call or in the resting period.
How many distribution attempts to agents are allowed, before forwarding to the no agents available forward number - Enter how many distribution attempts to agents in the Available state before forwarding to the no agents available forward number.
8. Voice Prompts
The possible choices for voice prompts are:
Silence - Nothing is heard while waiting in the queue,
Ring tone - A ring tone will be heard while waiting in the queue,
Voice prompt - The drop-down list will also list the voice prompts available in the system. When one of the voice prompts is selected, this will be played out to the calling party. The selected prompt will repeat when the end of the prompt is reached.
Configure the following Voice Prompt settings:
What should caller hear, when placed in queue - This drop-down list is used to specify what the calling party will hear when they are placed in the queue.
What should caller hear, when in queue - This drop-down list is used to specify what the calling party will hear while waiting in the queue.
What progress message should caller hear - This drop-down list is used to select the prompt that will be played out as a progress message during the specified repeat interval.
How often (in seconds) should progress message be played - This field is filled out if another message should be played out to the waiting party at the interval specified (minimum value is 5 seconds). Setting this field to zero disables all progress messages.
Should caller hear ringing when call is distributed to agent? - Mark the check-box if the caller should hear ringing when distributed to an agent instead of the set prompt for when in the queue. This setting only applies for external calls but isn't applicable when the call is internal.
Play queue position - Mark the check-box if the prompt for queue position information should be played. Queue information is played after the progress message.
Play estimated waiting time - Mark the check-box if the prompt for estimated waiting time in the queue should be played. The estimated waiting time is calculated as Estimated wait time = last wait * current user queue position / original queue position for last wait time user
Alternate between progress message and queue position/waiting time - Mark the check-box if you want to alternate between the progress message and the queue position/estimated waiting time message. If you do not want to alternate, the prompts will be played directly after one another.
Do not play queue wait time if time is less than (minutes) - Enter the number of estimated waiting time minutes where queue waiting time message is no longer played for a person in the queue with a waiting-time less than the specified.
Do not play queue wait time if time is more than (minutes) - Enter the number of estimated waiting-time minutes where queue waiting time message starts to play for a person in the queue. A person with a waiting time exceeding the specified time will not get an estimated waiting time message.
9. Number Presentation
9.1 Mobile phone
When an incoming call to the system has been directed, for example by a previous IVR menu, ACD group, or as a fallback number, it is not always that the redirection number is shown. This means that the receiver will only see the external number on the display and not why the call was routed there.
When you apply Enforce use of group number as redirecting number, the system either shows the redirection number to the endpoint or the calling party number, depending on how the Number Presentation is configured for each number involved in the redirection. To understand this, let us look at an example. A call is received on an IVR number and is forwarded to an ACD group called ACD1. The call does not get answered by any of the agents in ACD1 and so gets diverted to another ACD group called ACD2. When user A, who belongs to ACD2, receives the diverted call, the "diverted by" number, as seen by user A is displayed based on how Number Presentation is configured for ACD1 and ACD2.
Configuration on ACD1 | Configuration on ACD2 | Diverted by |
Show calling party | Show calling party | IVR1 |
Show calling party | Show group | IVR1 |
Show calling party + Enforce | Show calling party | ACD1 |
Show calling party + Enforce | Show group | ACD1 |
Show calling party + Enforce | Show group + Enforce | ACD2 |
Show group | Show calling party | IVR1 |
Show group | Show calling party + Enforce | ACD2 |
Show group | Show group + Enforce | ACD2 |
Show group + Enforce | Show calling party | ACD1 |
Show group + Enforce | Show group | ACD1 |
As seen in the example, the configuration on the second number takes precedence over the settings configured on the first number.
If the call has been forwarded due to fallback on no agents logged in and the call is forwarded from that fallback number to a user's voicemail, the group redirection number will not show up if the call is forwarded again from the voicemail with the "press 1 for human assistance."
When the redirection cannot be shown, for example when the call is forked to a mobile, you can choose to either display the group number or the calling party number.
Look up unknown caller IDs in external directory - If the calling party number of an external call is unknown, it is possible to make an inquiry for that number in an external directory to find out the name of the caller. (Note: this is a licensed feature).
Prefer to show group number as calling party - The receiver will see the group number
Show calling party number - The receiver will see the calling party number When showing the calling party number, you can add prefix and/or suffix to the number so that for example function number ID can be shown in conjunction with the calling party number for identification of where the call originated. When adding suffix or prefix, the trunk group's outbound calling party rewrite rule must allow the action Add function number prefix/suffix to number for the suffix/prefix to be added to the calling party number.
9.2 Setera Softphone Desktop Application
Only Internal Parties will be shown as "Redirected by" and "Distributed by". The agent will see the own group name in "Distributed by".
In order to see both "Redirected by" and "Distributed by", the Softphone attendant view must be used.
Otherwise only the previous redirection will be shown.
Internal parties are OneCloud function numbers and users.
Redirections by users will be shown for:
Transfers made by the user
System redirections, based on a user call routing rule, such as activity diversion.
10. Callback Settings
This section configures callback settings for the ACD groups with a call-back option.
How long time should a callback ring before re-queuing - Enter the number of seconds (integer number) that the callback should be allowed to ring before being re-queued.
How many times to call back - Enter the number of automatic retries.
How long time callback should be valid - The callback will be cancelled if no agent is available within the time specified in this setting. If an agent is available within the time specified, the callback is initiated. The time is specified in minutes. If the value is zero (0), there is no timeout.
Meta-data sent to agent for callback call - Enter a text string to be sent to the agent. This can be any string of text and numbers.
Prompt to play to agent for callback call - Pick a Voice prompt from the drop-down list to play to the agent at callback calls.
Let us look at a scenario with the following parameters configured:
How long time should a callback ring before re-queuing: 10 seconds
How many times to call back: 2
How long time callback should be valid: 20 minutes
If an agent is not free, it will wait for 20 minutes for the agent to be available. If an agent is unavailable within this time, the callback is cancelled.
If an agent is free and the system tries to callback the caller it follows:
Callback twice, 10 seconds each
If the caller does not pick up, the system will try to callback again, 10 seconds each, twice
The sequence repeats until the parameter 'How long time callback should be valid:' is met
The number that the caller provides for the callback call will be checked against the call barring rules for the organisation. An prompt will be played to say that the number is invalid if not allowed by call barring. There is also numbers on system level that may not be allowed for callback.